Focus and Scope

MAHIR ARABI : Journal Of Arabic Literature And Education is the online journal under of the Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al Hidayah Tasikmalaya (STAI). MAHIR ARABI : Journal Of Arabic Literature And Education ready to publish research articles, a review from the researchers associated with the field of Arabic Education.

This journal encompasses original research articles, review articles, and short communications, including: Arabic Teaching Methods, Arabic Teaching Media, Curriculum Development of Arabic Teaching, Arabic Teaching Policies, Arabic Syntax, Alquran and Arabic Language, Arabic Literature and Balaghah, Arabic Semantics, Arabic Language Acquisitions, History of Arabic Language, Arabic Teaching Evaluation

MAHIR ARABI : Journal Of Arabic Literature And Education publishes research articles in the field of Arabic Education, include:

  • Arabic Education
  • Arabic Linguistics
  • Arabic Literature